Need a powerful mobile app that won’t break the bank? Look no further than React Native! This clever tool lets you build user-friendly apps for both iPhone and Android, saving you time and money. But to turn your app dream into a reality, you’ll need to hire React Native developers. This guide gives you all you need to find the perfect fit!

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework used to build mobile applications for Android, iOS, and other platforms. It allows developers to write code using JavaScript and React, which is a popular library for building user interfaces, and then have it translated into native code for each platform. This means you can write your app once and deploy it to multiple platforms, saving time and resources.

Here are some key things to know about React Native:

  • Cross-platform development: You can write your app once and deploy it to both iOS and Android, or even other platforms like Windows and Web.
  • Native performance: React Native apps use native components and APIs, so they look and feel like native apps.
  • JavaScript development: If you already know JavaScript and React, you can easily learn React Native and start building mobile apps.
  • Large community: React Native has a large and active community of developers, which means there are plenty of resources and support available.

Here are some popular apps built with React Native:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • Walmart
  • Uber Eats

Who are React Native Developers? 

React Native developers are software engineers who specialize in building mobile applications using the React Native framework. They leverage their knowledge of JavaScript and React to create user interfaces and app logic that can be deployed across different platforms like Android and iOS.


If you are thinking about a developer for hire you should know what are the responsibilities of a good developer. Here’s a breakdown of what React Native developers have to do:

  • Writing code
  • Designing components:
  • Integrating native features
  • Testing and debugging
  • Staying updated

Why React Native?

Did you know that according to, around 42% of developers choose React Native for their app projects? There’s a good reason for that! Here are some of the benefits you get if you hire React native developers:


React Native uses JavaScript, a widely popular programming language, which means developers can use their existing skills to build apps for both iOS and Android. This eliminates the need to hire separate development teams for each platform, significantly reducing development costs.

Faster Development

React Native allows developers to reuse a large portion of their code across both iOS and Android versions of the app. This saves a tremendous amount of time and effort compared to traditional development approaches where you would need to write separate code bases for each platform.

Top-notch User Experience (UX)

React Native apps leverage native UI components, which means they look and feel like natural parts of the iOS and Android ecosystems. This provides a smoother and more intuitive user experience compared to web-based apps.

Large Talent Pool

The popularity of JavaScript means there’s a vast pool of React Native developers available, making it easier and faster to find the right fit for your project.

Shorter Time to Market

With faster development and the ability to reuse code across platforms, you can get your app to market quicker, giving you a competitive edge.

Must Have Skills for React Native Developers

If you are thinking to hire React Native developers, it’s crucial to ensure they possess the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality mobile applications. Here are some key things to consider when you hire a React native developers:

Technical Skills

  • Solid foundation in JavaScript (JSX): This is the core language of React Native development, so a strong understanding is essential. Look for developers who can confidently write clean, maintainable, and efficient JavaScript code.
  • In-depth knowledge of React concepts: React uses a unique component-based architecture for building user interfaces. Make sure your developer is well-versed in concepts like components, props, state, and lifecycle methods.
  • Experience with React Native libraries: A vast ecosystem of libraries exists to simplify common development tasks in React Native. Look for developers familiar with libraries that align with your project’s needs, such as Redux for state management or React Navigation for handling navigation within the app.
  • Bonus points for experience with Native UI components: While React Native uses JavaScript, understanding how to interact with native UI components can be beneficial for creating a truly native look and feel for the app on both iOS and Android platforms.


  • Proven track record in React Native development: Look for developers with a portfolio showcasing successful React Native projects. Ideally, their experience should align with the complexity of your app concept.
  • Understanding of mobile development best practices: A seasoned React Native developer will have a broader understanding of mobile app development principles beyond just the coding aspect. This can be crucial for creating a well-architected and optimized app.

Communication and Soft Skills

  • Excellent communication skills: The ability to clearly explain technical concepts and collaborate effectively is key. Your developer should be able to understand your vision, ask clarifying questions, and keep you informed throughout the development process.
  • Problem-solving skills: Mobile app development is rarely a smooth ride. Unexpected challenges will arise. Look for talented React native developers who can think critically, troubleshoot issues, and find creative solutions.
  • Teamwork and adaptability: Building an app is often a team effort. Your developer should be comfortable working with designers, project managers, and other stakeholders. They should also be adaptable to changing requirements and feedback.

The Hiring Process

Finding the right React Native developers involves a systematic approach to ensure you hire the best talent. Following are steps you should follow to hire React native developers. 

1. Define Your Requirements: Before you start the hiring process, clearly outline your project requirements. Determine the scope, features, and timeline of your mobile app.

2. Source Candidates: The next step is to search for experienced React native developers. But where to look to Hire React Native Developers? The good news is there are many platforms to find top React Native talent. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Freelance platforms: Upwork offers a vast pool of freelance developers.
  • Staffing agencies: These agencies specialize in finding qualified developers and can handle the recruitment process for you.
  • Direct Company Websites: Many React Native development companies showcase their talent on their websites like bright byte consulting.

3. Screen Candidates: Review resumes and portfolios to shortlist candidates. Before you hire react native developers look for: 

  • Relevant experience in React Native development
  • Examples of previous projects
  • Client testimonials and reviews

4. Conduct Interviews: Conduct technical interviews to assess their skills and problem-solving abilities. Include:

  • Technical questions related to React Native
  • Coding tests or live coding sessions
  • Behavioral questions to gauge soft skills

5. Test Projects: Assign a small test project to evaluate React native developer skills and how they approach real-world problems. This will help you to find dedicated react developers.  

6. Final Selection: Based on the interview and test project results, hire React native app developer who is the most suitable candidate. Ensure react native developers skills align with your company’s culture and values.

Cost of Hiring React Native Developers

The cost of hiring React Native developers varies based on their experience, location, and the complexity of your project. Here’s a rough estimate:

  • North America: Expect to pay $100 – $150 per hour.
  • Western Europe: Rates range from $80 – $120 per hour.
  • Eastern Europe: Developers can be hired for $40 – $80 per hour.
  • Asia: The most cost-effective option, with rates around $20 – $40 per hour.

Why Bright Byte Consulting?

Struggling to find top React Native developers for your mobile app? Bright Byte Consulting can help! They connect you with pre-qualified React Native experts, saving you time and effort. Their team has a proven record of success in building top-notch apps. 

Bright Byte Consulting handles everything, from finding the perfect developer to managing your entire React Native project. This lets you focus on running your business. They believe in clear communication and offer potentially cost-effective solutions to bring your app idea to life. Check their React Native development services and rates to see if they’re the right fit for your project!


Want a powerful mobile app? Look to React Native! Build user-friendly apps for iOS and Android, saving time and money. But you’ll need skilled React Native developers. This guide helps you find the perfect fit! Finding top talent can be tough. 

Bright Byte Consulting can help! They connect you with pre-vetted React Native experts. Their team has a proven track record and will manage your entire project. Focus on your business – they’ll handle the rest. Bright Byte Consulting offers clear communication and potentially cost-effective solutions. Check their React Native services and rates to see if they’re your perfect partner!


Why use React Native for my mobile app?

React Native is cost-effective, allows faster development, delivers a great user experience, and has a large pool of developers available.

What skills should I look for in a React Native developer?

They should be strong in JavaScript, React concepts, and React Native libraries. A bonus is experience with native UI components and mobile development best practices.

How can I find React Native developers?

Freelance platforms, staffing agencies, and React Native development companies are all good options.

What’s the hiring process like?

Define your project requirements, source candidates, screen resumes, conduct interviews with technical tests, assign a test project, and make your final selection.

How much does it cost to hire React Native developers?

Rates vary based on experience, location, and project complexity. Expect to pay $20-$150 per hour depending on the region.